October 31, 2008

Lunch: Curried Cauliflower and Tofu

Cauliflower tends to be bland, so not many people like it... :( That's why you gotta season the heck out of it to make it tasty! I love just sautéing cauliflower with some curry powder, chili flakes and spices to make it tasty and healthy. You don't need to deep fry it, although a veggie tempura would be good too. The important thing is not to cook it to a mushy death. Keep it crisp!

I always think that if a cauliflower head and a broccoli head were to battle each other on the nutritional level, the broccoli would win. Broccoli just seems more powerful and almighty. But cauliflower is very nutritious too!

Low in fat, high in dietary fiber, folate, water and vitamin C, and possessing a very high nutritional density (whatever that means).
Lunching with some rice, cauliflower, and crispy lettuce.

1 comment:

Kiwi said...

So true, cauliflower CAN be bland but oh man when it's seasoned right, it's GREAT. My mum makes this amazing sauteed crispy cauliflower thing, and I LOVE her creamed cauliflower soup too. This looks delicious! :)